High Performance Junior Program
Next Level Junior Program
Want to play a the highest levels of junior golf? This program is for a select number of committed junior golfers who is striving to play their best! The program is designed for players who are or will be playing tournament golf at the regional and provincial tournaments and are ready to take their game to “next level”.
Minimum criteria to participate in this exclusive program is to be playing in any of the following:
What does this program entail?
24 – Year round Private “1 on 1” instructional sessions
Year round instruction (with a break at the end of the season) is vital to get to the next level. Off season training gives the student the ability to improve on all areas of their golf games in preparation to hit the next golf season running! Instruction is scheduled on a set day and time weekly for consistency. 12 sessions will be scheduled through the winter and additional 12 through the summer months.
5 – 9 hole “on course” management sessions
Once golf season has arrived we get onto the course asap!! Its great working on hitting balls, putting and chipping but to get to the next level we need to apply this information on the course and learn to play the game. These sessions will be scheduled on a set day and time with other juniors in the program
2024 Tournament “on site” practice round preparation
How do we play a practice round? Seeing the course prior to an event is super important and puts you in a position to be able to make the best decision possible. Many tournaments will be allowing for practice rounds especially for bigger events at the provincial level qualifying and championships. Discussions on preparation for events and being “game ready” as well as understanding the lay of the land at the tournament will be outlined or the student. Examples such as “How fast are the greens?” and “What is the best line off the tee on the Par 5?” are simple questions but need to be noted in advance of the event rather than make a management mistake due to lack of preparation.
During the season the student will be able to utilize myself 2 times during the season. Priority will be given to provincial qualification and championships. Anticipation is to have students book practice rounds together to utilize a group effort and team communication.
Pre tournament use of Decade Golf will be discussed at the planning session. This app is an additional cost and can be a very useful tool to be ready for your practice and tournament rounds
2024 Goal setting and planning session
Creating goals and planning on how we are going to achieve these goals is vital to having a successful season. By meeting before our first session of the off season we set the goals corresponding performance and process objectives to be successful. The “goal pyramid” will be revisited through the season to reinforce “the plan” and to stay on track.
2024 Tournament and Practice calendar creation
This calendar will be the “nuts and bolts” of the season outlining at a glance all events and practice times allocated through the season. With setting the calendar we can see if we are light or heavy in certain areas of the season and adjust to avoid burnout and ability to be fresh for big events. The calendar will be revisited in conjunction with the mid season goal setting session.
Equipment Assessment
Does your equipment work for you? Is the driver the right shaft? Is the lie angle correct and consistent through all your irons and wedges? Having the correct “fitted” equipment is vital to being successful. Club fitting will be arranged based on your equipment needs using Sawmill Golf Course and Niagara Golf Warehouse as outlets to making sure you equipment is best suited for the student.
*Additional fees may be required in addition to the initial fitting based on requirements needed.
Learn About Brody
Learn about what drew Brody to the game of golf, and what's keeping him in it!
Pricing – Inquire for details and payment plans for this program
Optional additions to Perform at an even higher level (all are additional fees based on needs of the student:
Fitness assessments and programs
Get stronger, faster and leaner to play your best! 25 years ago “golf” and “fitness” were rarely noted in the same sentence. Not now…and not for those who want to get to that next Level. Fitness has introduced a tremendous opportunity to play better and minimize injury.
*Additional fees apply
Mental coaching opportunities
Not only do we train our bodies but we train our minds to be able to deal with those situations on the course. In order to play well you have to believe you CAN play well! Create and play with confidence vs playing with fear. Having a positive mindset creates the ability to have an edge on the competition
Medical maintenance and injury prevention
Unfortunately golf injuries happen! Having a certified healthcare provider is critical to helping golfers maximize both performance and durability. Research suggests that 50% of serious golfers have had physical issues blocking their ability to play their best.
Post secondary Scholarship planning communications
How do we start the process in getting noticed by schools in the United States and Canada? Discussions will be able to outline the intentions of the student and provided further information as needed to provide the best opportunity for post secondary education.